About the Travel Rule Information
Sharing Alliance
Founded in 2020, the Travel Rule Information Sharing Alliance (TRISA) is a registered 501(c)(6) non-profit professional organization dedicated to travel rule compliance. TRISA’s mission is to support the growth of the digital asset ecosystem through open source, secure, interoperable, and accessible protocols and solutions for travel rule compliance. TRISA is an open community and welcomes members and contributions from across the global digital asset marketplace. Community members can join the TRISA Working Group below.
TRISA is governed by a board of directors and the TRISA Working Group, a community of operators, regulators, technical implmentators, and legal advisors. TRISA consists of:
- TRISA Board of Directors, TRISA Working Group, and Technical Subcommittee that oversees changes to the white paper
- TRISA white paper, which outlines the protocol specifications
- Source code for the protocol and documentation
- TRISA Certificate Authority that issues identity certificates for VASPs to join TRISA’s Global Directory Service (GDS), a directory of trusted operators
- Envoy, TRISA’s open source, P2P, and encrypted travel rule messaging solution
TRISA adheres to global industry standards such IVMS101 and has developed a strong partnership with the OpenVASP Association, which maintains a complementary open source travel rule protocol called TRP. Rotational Labs is a TRISA Service Provider (TSP) that contributes to open source development of the TRISA protocol and offers its own Envoy hosting service.
Guiding Principles
Open Architecture
TRISA provides interoperability with open security standards and emerging messaging standards such as InterVASP, OpenVASP, and BIP75, and easy integrations backend systems.
Open Source
TRISA made the code open source, and the reference architecture is freely available on GitHub.
TRISA applies the proven Certificate Authority (CA) model to reliably identify and verify VASPs.
VASPs and financial institutions can immediately begin using this trusted technology to comply with FATF regulations. Confidently transmit originator and beneficiary transaction data
Peer-to-peer design eliminates single point of failure and provides resilience to denial of service (DDoS) and scales to accommodate extreme volumes.
Strong mutual authentication ensures PII will not be sent to wrong VASP.
FATF proposed travel rule revisions
FATF Proposed Travel Rule Revisions: Payment Transparency Overview of the Second Public Consultation Timeline and…
Envoy FAQ for Compliance & Product Teams
This FAQ is designed for compliance, legal, and product teams. Technical documentation is available at…
TRISA Partner Rotational Labs Joins EU-US DPF
TRISA Service Provider Rotational Joins EU-US Data Privacy Framework (DPF) As a proud partner of…
Your Guide to TRISA & Secure Envelopes
From "The Basics" to "Working with Secure Envelopes"m TRISA has created a brief guide to…
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