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TRISA Launches Envoy, A New Self-hosted Secure Messaging Tool for Travel Rule Data Exchanges

Envoy, TRISA’s new self-hosted open source travel rule messaging solution, helps member VASPs exchange Travel Rule data securely without heavy financial or operational burdens.

As VASPs prepare to comply with MiCA, the UK Travel Rule, and other regulations, TRISA is excited to announce its new open source messaging tool designed to streamline travel rule data exchanges.

According to FATF’s March 2024 survey on the Implementation Status of Recommendation 15 (Travel Rule) across 58 countries and jurisdictions, 91% had either enacted or were in the progress of enacting legislation to introduce licensing/registration requirements, as well as AML/CTF obligations, and 89% had enacted, or were in the process of enacting the Travel Rule.


Built for VASPs that believe compliance should not be costly, time-consuming, or exclusive, TRISA’s open source messaging tool called Envoy helps compliance teams handle travel rule exchanges efficiently while safeguarding customer PII.

Key features include:

  • Intuitive UI: Easily manage TRISA & TRP messages with a user-friendly interface.TRISA Node Dashboard - Inbox
  • Efficient Administration: Simplify setup and maintenance with our admin tools.
  • Secure Messaging: Protect customer privacy and IVMS101 data with encrypted communication.
  • Compliance-friendly API: A straightforward JSON REST API for seamless TRISA & TRP interactions and integration into existing compliance stacks.

What This Means for VASPs:

  • Zero-Cost Self-Hosting: Deploy the TRISA node in-house at no cost, or opt for a managed service that’s economical.
  • Speed & Scalability: Handle travel rule data exchanges swiftly and expand your capabilities without compromising security.
  • Future-proofed Compliance: Comply with MiCA, EBA guidelines, and FATF recommendations with an interoperable solution.

Implementation & Pricing

TRISA offers three implementation options for VASP operators to cater to a variety of technical capabilities and jurisdictional requirements.

  1. DIY: For operators seeking maximum flexibility, Envoy is open source. The source code is available on Github (MIT license) and a downloadable docker image is available on DockerHub. Full documentation, including implementation templates, will be available at Cost: US$0.00. (bring your own technical team, compute, and data storage)
  2. One-time Implementation: For operators seeking support for installation, configuration and setup, but want to maintain and support the solution themselves over time, Rotational Labs offers a one-time engagement to set up your node and prepare technical teams to manage it. Cost: US$2,500.00 (one-time).
  3. Managed Service: For operators seeking an end-to-end solution from setup to maintenance and support, Rotational Labs offer a hosted service for Envoy that includes setup, configuration, authenticated access, API access, support, maintenance, certificates, and registration. Cost: US$375.00/ month (minimum 6-month commitment).

Schedule a Demo

TRISA is scheduling 20-minute demos beginning April 9, 2024 so compliance teams can learn how the new open source solution can benefit your VASP financially and operationally. Schedule a demo today.

Schedule a demo

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